Swine Flu Update

You should keep yourself informed about the latest moves to vaccinate populations on a large scale for the swine flu by governments and the pharmaceutical industry that is behind them.

Swine Flu Update

H:MC21, a homeopathic organization called Homeopathy Worked for Me, put out the following newsletter on August 3rd, 2009. It contains some very useful information on the latest developments on the swine flu and the expected vaccination campaign. The links are well worth reading:

“For the current Swine flu vaccine debate, we found the following articles and websites useful:
·         For a detailed information of the forthcoming Swine flu vaccines read “The vaccines far more deadly than the swine flu; mass vaccinations a recipe for disaster” by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins; Institute of Science in Society. The report has been submitted to Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer of the UK, and to the US Food and Drugs Administration.
WAVE (World Association for Vaccine Education)  http://www.novaccine.com                                    
With detailed information about all vaccines categories and brands of vaccines; also risks; effectiveness/ ineffectiveness; vaccine ingredients etc.

Medical Voices Vaccine Information Centre http://mvvic.org/en/about.html  The main website is still partly under construction
Want to know.info website
Their Swine flu page is: 
The Alliance for Natural Health http://www.anhcampaign.org  also have very thoroughly researched information on their site.”