Robin Murphy Homeopathic Seminar 2003
Robin Murphy Homeopathic Seminar 2003
Chi Kung Exercises
Ian Watson Seminars
"It has been my great pleasure to contribute to the homeopathic training course in Cairo over the years, which has evolved under the guidance of Abdul Hayy Holdijk into a first-class programme. The course is broad-ranging, comprehensive and encourages the inner development of the students alongside the academic learning. The students are given a thorough grounding in homeopathic theory and practice, together with a broad awareness of energy medicine and holistic healing. The theoretical learning is backed up by clinical training and support enabling the students to progress to a professional standard. I would thoroughly recommend this course to anyone."
Ian Watson
Dr. Heiner Frei at the Dahab Homeopathic Conference,
Sinai, Egypt, 2018