
"This is one of the best and life changing experiences I had."

A selection of comments by students who have taken and graduated from the professional course in the past 12 years:

Nada Iskander 2022, NUN Center, Cairo
Finding a course that will teach you homeopathy [material medica, etc.] is easy, but finding a course that will teach you who you are while learning homeopathy is not only hard, but rare! As a holistic practitioner it is super important to “know thyself” in order to truly and objectively understand your patients. And this course does exactly that. Thank you Dr Abdul Hayy for curating and teaching this course . This is one of the best and life changing experiences I had.

Soraya Hoppe, 2012
Taking Abdul Hayy‘s 3-year professional homeopathy course has been a key life-enhancing choice for me: a joyous, inspiring journey of knowledge and self-discovery. Abdul Hayy is a wonderful, highly experienced and knowledgable teacher who teaches with humour, spiritual wisdom and generosity. I especially loved and benefited from the simplicity, practicality and open-mindedness with which he taught us to use homeopathy, while also introducing us to a diversity of methodologies and schools of thought. Every course Abdul Hayy teaches is enriched by his own continuing studies and his most recent understanding of holistic health and homeopathy, as well as his deep insight into the human psyche. I recommend this course wholeheartedly, this journey will transform, inspire and enrich you for life!

Amani el S. 2012
I joined the Homeopathy course in 2008, with little determination to continue. I had a demanding job, had multiple other time-consuming obligations, and was emotionally exhausted. I was seeking some form of release - good company and time for myself. The personality of Dr. Abdul Hayy and the community of eager students appealed to me. I joined the course on a whim. As the weekends rolled on, I realized I was thoroughly enjoying the holistic experience - the new intriguing knowledge, the inspiring, spiritual energy in the group, the mental freedom, away from habitual stressors. The course curriculum was rich and expansive, and the instruction was wholesome. I loved the material and skills I was learning, and relaxed in the safe, inclusive environment the professor was creating. I understood myself at a much deeper level, revealing connections in my life I had not previously seen. I was acquiring a new exhilarating intelligence. As I learnt and grew, those around me grew with me. I became more perceptive and more forgiving, and so did they. Maybe it was my more informed ability to empathize, or the positive surge in my energy. Either way, everything around me seemed to heal. Today, almost 10 years after the completion of the course, I have eliminated almost all medication from my household. My overall health has improved, my home is more fun, and my workload feels lighter. A burden has eased off my shoulders. And although I do not practice professionally, I am blessed to have retained a community of happy, loving friends, fellow healers, and a life-long master and mentor.

Rasha A.K., April 2022

When I signed up for the Professional Homeopathic Course, I was seeking an alternative to help me manage my illness.
Prof. Abdul Hayy invites all to “come as you are” no previous preparation required, except for the willingness to learn, then unlearn, then learn…
Prof. Abdul Hayy gave us generously so much knowledge on homeopathic medicine and all alternative, natural and traditional medicine. He equipped us all with the essential skills required to make better health choices for ourselves and our loved ones. He guides his students to embark confidently into a journey of a lifetime.
The Professional Homeopathic Course equipped me to make better choices and to choose a better life. And I shall be eternally grateful to Prof. Abdul Hayy.

Dalia, 2015
You have inspired us all. It was amazing attending your course. I sat around preaching to everyone about everything you taught us. We all had so much fun taking this course. You're a great teacher and definitely one of a kind!

Rania, 2015

I would like to thank you again and again for these amazing three years, you've changed my life so much to the better and consequently positively affected a lot of people around me. You've made us all much happier people and for that there are no words to thank you with except GOD BLESS YOU

Sally Khamis (currently an online student in her 2nd year, 2022)
Studying homeopathy with Abdul Hayy has changed my life in so many ways. I have gained a whole new perspective on well being, or being well. It impacted my ideas of health and illness, of good and bad, of real and fake. Not only have I been healing, but it created a healing ripple effect on those around me. This course is not only a homeopathy course, but he is teaching a way to become a wholesome person. He takes you into so many different arrays of healing. I learned about Chinese medicine, Psychology, forms of energy healing, chi gong, the spiritual world, astrology, chemistry, all of the kingdoms and many more. With this course you will grow, you will be in awe, you will get grounded, gain clarity, get to know your body and yourself, and laugh. A great teacher, who virtually created a non judgmental, free, gentle, insanely complete curriculum of life and beyond. Every month I feel, it's a new adventure, in which I expand a little more. In the end all of us need healing and the biggest case you will ever have is really yourself. I am forever thankful, it's been a pleasure listening to him and learning from him.

Nevine Fathy - 2009
I met several homeopaths and student homeopaths during my travels last summer. After discussing our course with them, I became aware of how lucky we are with how comprehensive our course curriculum is. Most colleges focus on homeopathy only or even a specific way of doing homeopathy but we got the chance to learn about much more. It was almost a course in life itself.
We started with classical homeopathy, Hahnemann, Kent etc. we learnt remedies and therapeutics. We learnt how to use the repertory, the materia madica and the computer program that does it all for us. I especially like the fact that there are no exams. Being a homeopath goes way beyond learning a bunch of information, which I don’t think can be tested.
We were encouraged to start taking cases and prescribing remedies very early on in the course, when we knew little enough to give us the confidence to prescribe. I believe this was a huge advantage in our course as I saw people who have finished their course and are still lacking the confidence to take cases.
The clinics were wonderful to teach us how to take the case, which questions to ask, how to notice the patient and how to analyze the information we gathered and select the relevant rubrics. How to follow up the case and analyze the patient’s response to the prescribed remedy. This couldn’t be learnt from any number of books.
The various lecturers that came to lecture us or that we watched on video gave us a huge variety of methods, which we could then use as appropriate or study more based on what resonates with each of us. Seeing so many brilliant people taught me that there is no one “right” way, but several ways and means for healing. It helped me be open to all different methods as opposed to people who focused on only specific methods of prescribing thus getting stuck in thinking that healing has to occur in a certain specific way.
We also learnt a variety of ‘tools’ that beautifully support homeopathic remedies, cell salts, voice dialogue, flower essences, etc. these have all proved to be extremely useful. It also taught us that there’s a lot more to learn beyond homeopathy so we don’t get too stuck or become arrogant that only homeopathy works.
I especially liked the self-growth aspect of the course. Learning about shadows, persona and projections has literally changed my life. I can no longer pretend that I can be all right and someone else can be all wrong. I can no longer judge people or blame someone for how I feel without noticing that I’m projecting my own shadows. It took a long time to be able to put theory into practice and I’ll probably continue to catch myself in moments of blindness for the rest of my life, but still, being able to grasp that concept even in theory is such a huge gift.
The third year has been the most informative. We looked into some main life issues; love, death, sex, chakras etc. in ways that I was never exposed to. Each weekend left me with a lot of ideas that kept coming back to me in several occasions thereafter. I guess it’s necessary that we understand how these things work to better understand our patients and also ourselves. I felt my mind opening up little by little after each weekend.
Just as we needed to learn about life’s big issues, we also had to know the truth about some ugly realities: vaccines, medications, nutrition… these weekends were quite depressing and provoked such strong emotions in me; from pain, anger, indignation, to despair and rejection of the state of the world. Yet, this is how things are and I can’t get over how most people are oblivious to these outrageous facts. If we have any chance of making things better, we have to be aware of just how bad they are.
Looking back at all this knowledge that came my way, I can’t help being extremely impressed with Dr. Abdul Hayy and the wonderfully comprehensive curriculum he put together for us, which I believe is unrivalled anywhere else in the world. I can’t think of any better way to learn about homeopathy. Then there’s also this touch of spirituality that colored everything, which was brought on by Dr. Abdul Hayy being who he is, which was such a precious addition to all this knowledge and which I believe cannot be duplicated by anyone else. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this course. “

Rawia Al S. 2022

I started the course in 2018 because I wanted to learn a non-allopathic approach to treat my illnesses and those around me not wanting to take normal medications and wanting to avoid its the side effects. However the course was not just that - but it was life changing and eye opening in so many ways and taught me to appreciate and respect all that is human. Judgments fell and instead were replaced by a curiosity to understand the different stories around and how each story has its remedy match.
On a practical level, I haven’t taken one medicine since 2018 - I’ve gotten stitches on my head - I got bad flus - I have had a tooth infection - and all have been treated with remedies. And they worked miraculously.
The course also has a self development aspect that is very humbling. It has opened my heart and to myself and to those around me.
So what started out as let’s-learn-a-different-approach to treat illnesses became a life changing journey.

Zeinab A. 2016
Homeopathy is a very wide and expanded healing module with lots of interrelated subjects. Dr. Abdul Hayy navigates the trainees smoothly through the course to be able not only to understand and learn these subjects, but also encourages them to apply and practice what they learn.  
Thank you Dr. Abdul Hayy for your efforts, it's been one of the most excellent courses I have attended.

Sara Hozayen 2017
I keep on recommending this course all the time. It is as if you have everything in one pill. It is not a simple homeopathy course but a life changing experience with a master homeopath.
Not only you get to know about all the different approaches of homeopathy; whether it is classical homeopathy, sensation method, polarity analysis,… but you also learn a lot about yourself and you develop. You will never be the same person again

Hala Abou Y. 2017
I had a life changing 3 years, which although challenging, was the best thing I ever did!
I gained my diploma and graduated in 2017. When I started the course I was a banker working in corporate environments with lots of stress and responsibilities, I suffered sever back pain and doctors recommended surgical intervention, heart burn .., I took many medicines … so I was looking into natural medicines, and finally got to know of the homeopathy course .

After 3 years study I ended up leaving banking and cured from all health problems, I have never looked back and I now feel privileged in helping others become "well" in all levels of their health.. The best thing about being a homoeopath, is to have the ability to help others have a healthy, happy life.
I remember in the early years saying to someone, “I’m only here to learn homeopathy!” and I was wrong! It was not just Homeopathy that we were learning, it was HEALING itself, and to learn much more about life! …. and “Who am I!”

Thank you Dr Holdijk for giving me a life changing, precious experience.

Maha Ayoub 2012
This program has been the most enriching learning experience in my entire life. I learned about the holistic approach of case taking. The study and thorough explanation of the materia medica in this course offers endless healing possibilities in practical application.
We learned about the interrelated factors that influence the dis-ease in any human experience and we practically applied our knowledge through the clinical cases with several follow up sessions.
To qualify as a homeopath I needed to deep dive into my own biases, filters and subconscious shadows to become more of a present practitioner and actually embark on a self search journey. In this course I learned how to trigger my healing process first through the self-awareness and homeopathic psychology lectures and assignments, that are remarkably designed and presented by the teacher.
Since 2011 until today, I am a practicing homeopath using a blended process and approach of homeopathic case taking , subconscious work and body work.
I am truly grateful to my mentor and teacher Dr. AbdulHayy Lammert Holdjik.

Nadja H.

The 3 years with Dr. Abdul Hayy we’re a life changing experience on all aspects. He taught me homeopathy and taught me how to love it. I learnt to look at life from different aspects and to always continue this journey. The amazing part is that I got an insight on so many different topics in addition to homeopathy. I will always be thankful for this journey with him.

Ghada S. 2021
I cant find enough words to express my sincere thanks for the magnificent homeopathy course that changed my life course. It was my life dream since 1999, the year you first announced this course in Egypt. …..
I thank you for enabling me to find my way, life career, and the message I was born to fulfil on earth. Your homeopathy course cleared my insight, my soul, and most of my physical and mental problems as well as healing family members, and others.

Mohamed R.
Even though I had no intention whatsoever to practice homeopathy, attending the course was life changing. During the last 15 years, I can see how this course had a profound impact on all decisions and views me and my family had when came to health and well being.  Thanks Abdel Hayy for sharing this vast array of knowledge with your students in such easy and digestible way🙏🏼.

Nachwa S. 2021

The homeopathy course was literally “ The best thing that ever happened to me “
It came at the exact right time when i needed it the most …
It was a life changing experience…
My medical background helped me a lot to understand several things, yet learning homeopathy changed so much of the wrong approachs made by several medical systems towards diseases and mostly towards patients
Along my relatively short journey with homeopathy till now …. I discovered the beauty of homeopathy in helping individuals with so many struggles with physical, emotional and mental diseases making their lives better elhamd lellah
And above all …. Attending your enlightening homeopathy course helped me personally as it was a self discovery and self improvement experience that a person get to experience once in a lifetime…
I chose your red pill and i never regretted it, and if time will go back i would choose it over and over again
I thank God for blessing me with being one of your students.

Dina el W.
The homeopathy course with Dr.Abdul Hayy is unlike any other course I’ve taken. He opens your eyes to the many different schools of homeopathy which allows for much flexibility once you complete the course and become a homeopath. His teaching method is unique and his inclusion of self development content allows you as a student to learn and heal at the same time.It’s an incredible course and I wouldn’t have wanted to study homeopathy with anyone else.

Kirsten Hilger, 2022
You are curious and are considering learning the art of homeopathy.
Be prepared to get in contact with all thinkable and unthinkable aspects of life - both in terms of the universe and yourself.
This course is much more than learning; it is about experiencing life, to live, the connection with the universe and evolving of consciousness.
In terms of left-brain activities, you will be challenged with a multitude of facts, concepts and wonderful journeys into all kingdoms of mother earth: energy, minerals, plants and animals. You will be amazed how subtle and precise each member acts as a specific and individual building bloc to the whole. And how each single element contributes to the big task of healing.
What is healing, what is health and why are we asking ourselves these questions? Discover possible answers to these puzzles and much more. You will experience that there are no standard answers. Every answer is a partial, temporary and individual snapshot in time, a step for personal and universal development and growth which in itself radiates and reaches out to whoever gets in contact with you.
Homeopathy is a medical healing art which cannot be mastered at a periphery. You will have to give it your full attention, dedication and passion. There is much to learn and understand and three years are barely enough time.
Become who you are. I wish you all the best in finding your personal mission and calling, whatever it is. Take good care of yourself.